Sunday, May 17, 2015

Clothing items for give away, Mechanical speaker, Jam-a-grams, and Buddy list info.

Hello, today, I was randomly trading people, and I am just thinking, there are so much UNDER traders in Jamaa! I mean like, a pink bow for a RARE purple bow, is not actually fair.

It is very annoying, also, if any of you send me jam-a-grams, please don't keep sending me the same letter every single time saying 'animal jam rocks!' It is very annoying.

Anyway, here are some new items I found! I found a mechanical speaker, it looks pretty cool. It could be better though, the sound waves it gives off are kinda strange.

I just wanted to say, tell you friends about this blog. I am sorry this post is sort of full. By the way, I am excepting buddy requests, although,  if you don't hang around like buddies most time, I remove so more people have more chances to buddy me. ( Sorry )

I have several unwanted items, that are RARE. Okay, here they are. I hope you get interested. These items will be in the give away. This just gives you some ideas.

  • Rare spike wrist.  1 available.
  • Pink mustache. 1 available
  • Bonnet. 1 available
  • Fancy top hat. 1 available
  • Shark fin. 1 available
  • Bat glasses. 3 available
  • Snowman mask. 1 available
  • Hat and beard. 1 available
  • Eye ball hat. 1 available
  • Horned leg pads. 3 available
  • Mech angel wings. 1 available
  • Rare horn helmet. 1 available
  • Golden pirate sword. 1 available
  • faerie wings. 1 available
  • Rare pirate beard. 1 available 
  • Rare tiara. 1 available
  • Scary horns. 2 available
  • Rare scary bat wings. 2 available
  • Rare scary cat hat. 2 available.
  • Rare  fox hats. 2 available
  • Freedom mask. 1 available
Hope you sign up for the give away! Right your user in comments, and then keep posted so you know when the give away is! You can say what you want by your user name, and it may help me decide what goes to who. You MUST sign up to get a item ( no doubt about it ) if you DON'T sign up, you probably won't get any items. You get a chance though.


  1. I am Quex, and I'd like a spike wristband. I will trade you if need be. I will trade 1 vine anklet.

  2. Hi Quex, thanks for signing up. Once we get enough people, the give away will start! I will be posting the time and date on this blog. Since you said, I will consider sending it to YOU! I just have a lot of things I would like to get rid of, and that spike is one of them! You can always send the vine anklet if you don't like it, I do mailtime and I use the things I get in it for the give away. Thanks for commenting!


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