Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What rare and beta means.

 I might have another post today. ... :D maybe. Maybe not. If there is a other post, I will give you more information on the post. oh also, i can post pictures now, just old stuff though. no new stuff. D:

Hello anybody who even reads this. Lol. Today I am gonna talk about what rare and beta mean. No- Beta does not mean "thing that leaves the store." NOR does it mean "cool and interesting item." This is what rare means. UGH. THIS IS WHAT I FEEL LIKE WHEN PEOPLE CONFUSE THESE!!!!

Rare = Item that is no longer available in stores, or something that is very uncommon. Unless 100,000 people are wearing red necklaces right now, a red necklace is rare then a spike.

Beta = An item that was sold DURING THE BETA DAYS. sigh.  Beta does not mean "An item from 2015, or 14," it is from BETA DAYS! 2010!

Why do I post this? Because to many jammers are getting beta and rare confused... And it is REALLY annoying.

Seriously, if anyone gets the definitions of these things correct in 1 month or something, my eyes will be even wider than this.

and now, because I have nothing else to post about, I will give you a few pictures and call it good.

I'm the one saying "lol break the ice"
Did you know break the ice means make freinds or something like that?

Well, since i am done with this, goodbye.

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