Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How to trade.

Since I have nothing interesting to post about, I thought it would be "interesting" to post all of my trades... Not that I'm a great trader... (be sure to check out the other post...) I will do those posts later though.

But anyway, this is how you get items/trade!

All of these are proven to work.

  • Beg like you life depended on it.
  • Trade

  • Get good items on trade.
  • Trade.

This tactic works very well, well, used to. Everyone wants headdresses and spikes so its pretty much impossible to trade now! Unless your a plushie collecter, like yours truly. (I wanna RAINBOW CROCODILE! I will trade good for it.)

Here is what I have gotten from trying this recently!

  • A decline
  • A super rare item I call Nothing
  • Disappointment.

Monday, February 15, 2016


How many posts start with Sorry? ALOT. Anyway, I am on AJ- and Im trading. Maybe I can still post on what I trade? That a good idea? Probably not, but all my posts are boring and this would at least be a little interesting.

Going on Aldan Is the best server to trade. why? heres why.

  • People only have spikes and betas on trade. (that's the stuff you want.)
  • Its crowded and makes you lag terribly.
  • It is where all the famous people hang out. -.-
  • You can try to trade over and over again with no luck! :)
Anyone know what a fox hat is worth? Cuz I have a whole bunch of member items I need to get rid of for good nm items. If anyone wants to trade me, here are the items I am giving away. (Sorry its so long. please comment what you want to trade and we can meet up and do so) You can do a search on it to see if I am trading away an Item you want. Heres how.

For Window users: Press the Control key and the “F” key at the same time. Then, at the top right or left corner under the search engine, it will show a box for finding words/letters. Type in your item that your looking for and you may find it.
For Mac users: Press the Apple/Command key and the “F” key at the same time. It will then show a box for you to type in. In that box, type in the item you are looking for and you may find it.

Head items I am trading.

  • Beta brown rhino Helmet.
  • Blue feather mask
  • Feather earing
  • rare pilgrim hat
  • Eyeball hats
  • Top hats
  • Flower Crowns
  • Mech Angel Helmet
  • Pig tails
  • Arctic hoods
  • Sparkly head bow
  • Rare horn Helmet
  • Rare Bonnet
  • Feather mask
  • Rare big skull
  • Rare scary halo
  • Ice helmet


  • Silk scarf
  • Greely Charm Necklace
  • Leaf Necklace
  • Rare friendship mustache
  • Wind Amulet
  • Ice amulet
  • Rare beard. (Purple)
  • Rare mustache
  • Rare leaf Necklace


  • wind armor
  • Mysterious cloak
  • Designer Skirt
  • Jammaladay bow
  • Rare Tutu
  • Rare friendship coat
  • rare holiday sweater
  • Rare freedom sword
  • Ice armor

  • Dragon glove
  • Elf Bracelets
  • Legendary glover
  • Rainbow Gaunlets
  • Wind Gautlets (Idk how you spell it)
  • Clover Gaulets
  • Friendship Gaulets
  • Rare scary elf bracelets
  • Ice gaulets
  • Spirit Gaunlets

  • Raccon tail
  • Elf tail armor
  • feather tail
  • wind tail armor
  • spirit tail armor
  • ice tail armor
I hope you don't care about colors. You can ask me about the colors though. Tell you friends about this, becuause this is going to take forever to get rid of.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Complaining 101.

Of course, I am gonna go complaing about some stuff, because I do that.  don't forget about the clan!
 Members get a million dens and animals, while NM only get 2 of everything. I know I used to be a member, but now that I am a NM, I am really grumpy about this. So of course, to support this cause, go on a server, and chant this! Wear purple to support this!

Lions roar
Eagles Soar
Nonmembers deserve more!

Maybe this will make some effect on AJ. Lets get chanting on AJ! Feel free to take any snap shots of you chanting if you make a huge group on Draa. (Lets stick with Draa now, and if our cause get big enough, we can move to another server.) Lets get  chanting!