Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Would you rather -items and Animals

HEllo guys! I decided to do a special post today, a WOULD YOU RATHER kinda one.
Comment what you would rather have! Mabey Animal Jam hq will see this and make one of these a real thing lol. Here is the video, staring the empty chair!

Comment and have fun!
also, should i do a other one of these?
have fun and jam on!

if I do, make a other of these im gonna make the theme
 Becuase most of us has been suspended for the thing you had no idea was bad.
an Ex of that is like this.
Would you rather be banned from aj for 5 days,
would you rather loose your trading and gifting option for a month.

I also noticed this strange glitch... 
Who wants a camp full of fish, perticuarilly Bass?

Look at the words. :|
Im PRETTY sure that its suppose to be base.
Not bass.
who wants a camp full of bass?
i dont think I do.

LOl and bye!

IM not gonna be able to post for a few days.. MAYBE.

Monday, July 27, 2015

the Old, lame, and scary mask but not a scary mask.

this is the new item. BOO I hate not that great member rares that should be non member.

this is also back...

this thing is scary..
Im 2 lazy 2 post today.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Job roleplaying, and a rant.

I own a little "store" now, its actually pretty funny. ow, and by the way, if your wondering why I posted this early its becuase I didn't think I would be able to post tomorrow. P.S do you like the new look?

this is how I run it, I got the game phantom zapper, (and frankly, Im quiete good at it) and I just get the toys, at the end of the "Work hour" I recycle all of them. I started with 139 gems, on my backup acount. I then did phantom zapper doing it 3 times getting it 2 of the times.  with that, I spent 30 gems in all. I then went back to my den and recycled my 2 toys and got 60 gems. So I honeslty gained 30 more gems then I originally had. :D its a funny little roleplaying way to get gems on Animal Jam, when playing falling phnatom gets you alot in a short amout of time. To see that post, i think its labeled what game gives more, but I will edit this once I find it lol.

ya, thats what I just wanted to add for you guys to know about, but its time for me to get on to my real post about how unfair AJHQ is treat Non members right now. >.< man this makes me angry.

REAL POST. I am not exactly happy right now about this.

In 1 days, it is rare item monday.. and guess what. Its probably gonna be member. .-.
Animal jam has been taking away non member rights.
This is getting serious.
the last 4 items that came out of the clothing shop, have been member. and honeslty they aren't that great of member items to be honest. :| it would of been nicer if animal jam read this and decided to change them. I also think that N.M needs to be able to atleast be able to make 4 animals. 2 for land animals, and 2 for underwater.
Speaking of underwater. In the clothing shop under the ocean, theres only 2 YOU HERD ME. 2.
2 items that are non member.
is anyone agreeing with me on this?
I want fairness, I am OKAY about people collecting rares, people who likes rares, but people who will scam, hack, lie, and hurt to get rares, thats just wrong. wrong.  these rares are just PIXELS. I am thinking animal jam would be better of with out rares, frankly, i think the game would be much better. Why do people care about these rares? Why do people care if there is a "un-rare" person standing by them! Who cares?! I DONT. >.<
Has anyone seen people saying, "Members only party my den?" not nice. and im just saying. non members tend to go to those party to tell them its not nice.
I feel as though this is what is happening everyday in AJHQ.
(I split it up so you can see what everyone is saying..)

Co worker: Yo boss, we gotta scammer what should we do about it?

boss: give the scammer a warning sign and they will give the items back, duh.

Scammer in the game: .... i honeslty do not care. (goes on scamming more) RARES!!

Co worker 2: its about time that we add a new den on animal jam? should the graphic designers make a new one and spend 5 days on a den no one will buy?

Boss: nah, lets just get the bounce house and take out the shop and put it in the diamond shop. People will love it.

Jammers in the game: YAY ITS UPDATE DAY! (logs on aj) seriously animal jam. You were to lazy to even remove the shadow from the shop in it.

Co worker 3: We got complaints that non members need more things. what should we do.?

Boss: ahh I dont care, they need to become a member so we get money.

co worker 4: Some one got a rare item and there super happy! they said "YES YES YES" should we block there message and give them a warning?

Boss:  ya duh.
(My friend got super happy one time and said yes yes yes and got suspended.)
Boss: GREAT we got 1 more person playing a game! Lets convince them to get a membership by  thinking its a good game!

New co worker: uhhh what?

Boss: What do you mean "uhh what?"

New co worker: this is suppose to be a fun game..shouldn't we make it a fun game?

Boss: your fired.

and here is a super short vid I made showing the new jammer in the game coming to aj.
This makes me super sad... I joined in beta days and everything was sooo nice...
Thank you me for acting it out on my to back up acounts.
(jag me if you wanna be in one of these little skits)

do you guys see the unfairness? in order to stop this, please go around Jamma and find these little purple question marks floating around. This needs to stop.

i believe change can come, but will all the nice jammers of jamaa help me stand and fight for it?
Stand with me, with all of us nice jammers, to help again bring peace to JAMMA!
For Jamaa!
Take a stand, and together we can bring peace again!!
We can, I know we can, stand with me, with us, for all the JAMMERS OF JAMAA!

"glitched' items.

Instead of giving you a post that has 5 sentences and a picture or too, Im gonna give you a post with .... sentences and ..... pictures.

as I said yesterday, the game Over flow became non member. YAY. :D

it makes me wonder if this is one of those mistakes and it will be switched back to member...
so anyway, before the icecream parlor set came out, this accidently came out. I dont know if you were able to buy it though sadly.. this is what it looked like.
Image result for animaljam ice cream freezer
(i wasn't able to find a pictute)

Quickly later on, it was removed and this replaced it.
Image result for animaljam ice cream freezer

you can see slight differences in the items, but that may just be the picture quality.

which leads me to a other item, called, the dreaded stringed leaves.
in this picture you can see that they are non member! Which is a miracle!
Image result for animal jam stringed leaves

but then, 3-1 days later, is became this. :|
srry for terrible qualilty.

then after that, like a day later , AGAIN, it went back to non members...

Im doing this really small because I can. :D
Image result for animal jam stringed leaves

yay back to this!!1
 after that they stayed liked that, but if you were a non member and you had one in you den, it would stay there but you couldn't move it..
thats all i think..

anyway, I also had a crazy idea to make a page about all the plushies and toys and what there is to collect. for all those plushie and toy lovers. :D (like me but I collect the golden plated toys and the rare plushies)
I am thinking of random ideas to make this blog more interesting so comment if you got ideas. :D

Friday, July 24, 2015


----Click here to go to a Give away and author try out thingie---

Heyo guys! lil Old happy here, and today i am just posting about the new items. :D
In the diamond shop, (blah I hate you diamond shop) We have the koala claw machine!

The koalas INSIDE the machine look super scary. 0.o

Also, this sold in the sol arcade, its now nonmembers!! :D

It used to be members though, so if you have a glitched one, thats members lemme know!
You have to be a non member to see it though... What could it possibly be? Comment what you think it isI also found this thing.. pretty cool. :D

Ya so thats pretty much the wrap! comment what you think this is! Maybe an Animal Base? I will post about those later on..

and here is a vid of liza taking a picture of you for the 3 people who cared..

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Author-try outs and a giveaway! EDITED

As I said yesterday, I am gonna do author try outs! If you sign up thats great! this is what you need to sign up with!
  • an Aj Acount
  • What kind of stuff you wanna post about.
  • When you will post..
  • an email account.
  • You have to also email me one of your sample posts.

I hope you sign up to be a author! I will then email you back if you get the job or not! Thanks for signing up and thats the wrap!  And also forgot to mention.. Email your aplication tooo.... this address and label it "Author aplications" otherwise it might not be found! Thanks again! By the way, there is no closing the author try outs, becuase i am always happy to see what people have came up with!

Also I am doing a.. you guessed it..


Yay... :|

here is how it works. Comment your Aj username, but, if you enter more the once, even on different accounts you will be removed from the give away all together.
I will then get everyone who signed up on a peice of paper, put it in my lucky ducky hat and draw 2 you heard me 2 names out of it!
This is the best post ever. Thats what you guys are probably thinking. lol.
This is what i might be givin away but I cant be sure. This is what i plan. and if your nm Well something else. lol.

if your a non member.. this is the chance you have to win!
Image result for animal jam rare scary tiara


Image result for animal jam rare  tiara


If your a member.. this is what you have a chance of winning!!
Image result for animal rare horn helmet
this but its RARE form. o.o
They must be pretty rare if I cant find there image on google. :|
 and this awesome thing.
Image result for animal jam rare mohawk

thats the give away folks! 
Dont for get to comment your username, and sign up for being an author!